joi, 6 mai 2021



acum citeva zile am scris despre criticismul cinstit sau feedback cum ii spun eu

si ieri ma uitam pe diverse articole pe Zerohedge si unul mi-a atras atentia

se refera la:

One of the hallmarks of totalitarian systems is the criminalization of dissent.

iar daca definesti "DISSENT"DREPT CRITICISM CINSTIT SAU FEEDBACK, atunci vezi, chiar din titlu care sunt consecintele

respectiv apartitia totlitarismului

Germany has been leading the way. For over a year, anyone questioning or protesting the “Covid emergency measures” or the official Covid-19 narrative has been demonized by the government and the media, and, sadly, but not completely unexpectedly, the majority of the German public. And now such dissent is officially “extremism.”

deci in Germania, cea care a dus nazismul si totalitarismul la virf, creaza acum UN NOU TOTALITARISM, folosind acceasi metoda de distrugere a criticismului cinstit, a feddbackului

iar "dissent"-ul este re etichetat drept extremism, asa ca ORICE IDEE CARE CRITICA ELITELE GERMANE, VA FI PEDEPSITA, VA FI CATALOGATA DREPT EXTREMISM, iar criticismul cinstit va fi inlocuit cu pupatul in fund

Yes, that’s right, in “New Normal” Germany, if you dissent from the official state ideology, you are now officially a dangerous “extremist.” The German Intelligence agency (the “BfV”) has even invented a new category of “extremists” in order to allow themselves to legally monitor anyone suspected of being “anti-democratic and/or delegitimizing the state in a way that endangers security,” like … you know, non-violently protesting, or speaking out against, or criticizing, or satirizing, the so-called “New Normal.”

si dupa citeva sute de ani de "democratie" revenim la un sistem totalitar propulsat de lipsa de criticism cinstit, de feedback, ceea ce permite elitelor, prin controlul pe care il detin asupra mass mediei si internetului SA CREEZE O "REALITATE" FICTIVA, o harta imaginara, si apoi sa le foloseasca drept indicatori ,,corecti”, iar ORICINE LE ATRAGE ATENTIA, II CRITICA, SUNT ETICHETATI DREPT EXTREMISTI

ieri parca era un articol in Sputnik, despre raspunsul purtatoarei de cuvint al MAE rusesc, Zakharova, la atacurile britanice

era parca un citat din Sf, Antonie


iar asta se intimpla acum in occident

in lipsa spiritului critic real, al feedbackului, societatea occidentala traieste intr-o realitate fictiva creata de elite, si nu mai e in stare sa intelaga ca este bolnava

iar solutia, asa cum am mai spus e simpla, doar implementarea e complicata

E NEVOIE DE CRITICISM REAL, cinstit, de feedback, dar mass media occidentala ca si cea din romania, este bolnava, traieste intr-o lume fictiva, foloseste niste harti imaginare ceea ce face ca tot sistemul de conducere, GPS-ul, sa fie incarcat cu date incorecte, cu harti gresite, si ca atare societatea occidentala este impinsa spre prapastie de elitele lor care nu mai au nevoie de atita sclavi si slujitori, mai ales ca acum odata cu IA/AI o mare parte din activitatile sclavilor pot fi facute de roboti si computere

iar acest fenomen de distrugere a populatiei occidentale se amplifica pe zi ce trece, si in curind ELITELE ISI VOR ATINGE TELUL, O PLANETA IN CARE VOR MAI TRAI DOAR EI SI CEI CITIVA SCLAVI UTILI


deci distrugerea acestor ochelari, vederea realitatii, evitare dezastrului NECESITA IMPLEMETAREA SPIRITULUI CRITIC REAL, A CRITICISMULUI CINSTIT, A FEEDBACKULUI

YouTube has also created a category labeled “borderline content” which it algorithmically de-boosts so that it won’t show up as a recommended video to viewers who are interested in that topic:

“When we deal with information, we want to make sure that the sources that we’re recommending are authoritative news, medical science, et cetera

primul comentariu la articolul de mai sus:

you guys really don't get it, do you? MKUltra has been deployed against the global population

social media created alternate realities for people to live in. those who are under their control don't even realize they're no longer here

the matrix is real

din alt comentariu:

Most of the decent stuff is on Telegram / Bitchute / Rumble  and sites that have accounts on these three sites.

Financialization transforms the functioning of economic systems at both the macro and micro levels. Its principal impact has been to elevate the significance of the financial sector relative to the real value producing sector of the economy; that is to say to transfer income from the value-producing sector to the extractive sector and thereby increase income inequality and wage stagnation.

incep sa citesc articolul de mai sus iar dupa ce m-am uitat la cele citeva comentarii pare sa fie f interesant, doar ca e lung

the U.S. spends $300 billion too much on financial services per year, and that the sector needs to shrink by 20%. Harvard University and University of Chicago economists agreed, calculating in 2014 that workers in research and development add $5 to the GDP for each dollar they earn, but finance industry workers cause the GDP to shrink by $0.60 for every dollar they are paid. A study by the Bank for International Settlements reached similar conclusions, saying the finance industry impedes economic growth and research and development-based industries.

adica FIRE (Finante, Asigurari si Imobiliare pe romaneste) au crescut asa de mult in america incit consuma mai multe resurse decit produc

financialisaton is essentially an extractive process which basically moves wealth from one group to another. For example from everyday wage earners and productive enterprises to the banking, insurance, real estate, and other extractive retail and loan industries.

In the earlier phase of capitalism, the financial sector was much smaller and served to grease the wheels of industry by providing investment capital and credit obtained from depositors.

asta e rolul positiv al sectorului financiar, de aceea e nevoie de el

That symbiotic relationship has now ended, and finance has increasingly taken on a life form of its own relegating manufacturing industry to the second tier.

dar sectorul financiar a crescut prea mult, cu fiat money, bani creati din nimic, si din sector auxiliar, a devenit sectorul principal, cel care a preluat conducerea asupra economiei, si in loc de a avea un rol pozitiv a devenit un parazit, un sector care extrage bogatia de la cei care o produc si nu dau nimic inapoi

cam asta e ce face si soros si toti cei care au creat cazinoul financiar

the rise of the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate sector – banks, credit agencies, investment companies, brokers and dealers of commodities and securities, security and commodity exchanges, insurance agents, buyers, sellers, lessors, lessees and so forth – has now reached such a level that it has become larger, more ubiquitous, and profitable than productive industry. Prior to the ascent of financialised capital and the deregulation and privatisation mania, the role of finance was usually restricted to greasing the wheels of the productive (value-creating) economy. Commercial banks took the publics’ deposits and funnelled it as credit into manufacturing and commercial enterprises. In this regulated environment commercial banks and other financial institutions were legally circumscribed in the level of credit they could extend.’

he interesting aspect has been the late 20th century counter-revolutionary movement predicated on the development of a new bourgeois class which has effectively established itself inside the financial sector of the economy and has effectively become a new ruling class ably assisted by a vast political bureaucracy, the entertainment industry, Big Tech/Pharma and the media which now plays the role of an organized religious pillar of support to the existing order.

Ricardo was part of the radical intelligentsia who believed that history was cyclical rather than linear.

Ricardo saw that the escalator worked with different effects on different classes. Some rose triumphantly to the top, whilst others, who managed to move up a few rungs of the ladder could be kicked down to the bottom; whilst those who got the full benefit of the ride – the landed aristocracy – did nothing at all to earn their reward – i.e., the power of the soil and the rent on land.

e interesant ca modelul asta, ciclic cum ii spune Ricardo aproximeaza f bine realitatea actuala, unde unii avanseaza rapid iar altii avanseaza incet sau stagneaza sau chiar merg inapoi

e un fel de joc de copii, "Nu te supara frate" 😊

Thranholm says that Western men have been feminized and Western women defeminized. She says feminists have destroyed men, who are now raised to be women. Consequently, there is no one to protect white women from the sexually aggressive immigrant-invaders brought into all European countries by the anti-white European Union, an enemy of national sovereignty that wants the destruction of European ethnic nationalities.  The EU is heavily supported by Washington and American money.

Iben Thranholm says Western men have been deprived of strength and confidence by feminism.  All over Europe, white women of European ethnicity, French, German, Danish, Swedish are raped openly in public by the privileged people of color welcomed in by scum like Merkel, the corrupt French governments, the bought-and-paid-for Italians, the dumbshit British, and the white men just look away and walk on by

Iben Thranholm says that by destroying manhood, the feminists have unbalanced society and left themselves at peril.  There are no longer any men.

in final acelasi mecanism, lipsa de feedbcak care sa permita auto reglarea sistemului social, al societatii

tot occidentul, societatea occidentala e in dezechilibru din cauza ca feedbackul corect, real, a disparut si a fost inlocuit cu manipularea efectuata de elite prin mass media si internet

iar acestea au devenit uneltele lor datorita proprietatii private excesive care a distrus posibilitatea unui feedback efectiv

Feedback-ul e metoda de autoreglare a unui sistem.

In societate feedback-ul se manifesta prin discutii libere, critice sau nu, ceea ce permit societatii a analizeze informatia ca sa se autoregleze.

In lipsa unui feedback societatea nu se mai autoregleaza si atunci apar deformatii, dezechilibre care duc la aparitia unor societati dezechilbrate.

Bogatia individuala este o consecinta a acestei lipse de echilibru, iar acumularea de bogatii este rezultatul acestei feedback insuficient sau incorect.

Tot asa cum informatia trebuie sa circule liber ptr a permite auto reglarea unei societati, tot asa si bunurile materiale trebuie sa circule liber ptr a permite societatii sa se auto regleze.

Proprietatea privata este o piedica in calea liberei circulatii a bunurilor materiale ceea ce duce la distorsionarea auto reglarii societatii.


luni, 3 mai 2021


Acesta de la sfarsit este un articol interesant, mai ales ca regasesc ceva la care ma gândesc de mult timp, doar ca aici e definit diferit

ma refer la parrhesia or frank cricisim,

in mintea mea, privind la ce se intimpla acum prin prisma teoriei sistemelor, parrhesia sau cricismul cinstit, sunt manifestari ale feedbackului

feedbackul este mecanismul de reglare al unei societati, al unui sistem

si acelasi lucru il face criticismul

fiindca in lipsa feedbackuui si a criticismului cinstit nu exista legatura naturala intre fapta si consecinte/rasplata

iar asta e ce se intimpla acum

mass media ar fi trebuit sa fie mecanismul de feedback, cel care ar fi permis informatiei sa circule si sa se creze un mecanism de auto corectie, ceea ce este ceea ce criticismul cinstit sau parrhesia faceau

in prezent informatia e blogata de mass media, de gigantii internetului, care in loc sa creeze feedbackul necesar, il inlocuiesc cu propaganda, manipulare

asa ca societatile, in special cele occidentale, sunt niste mecanisme care functioneaza din ce in ce mai prost fiindca nu mai au sistemul de corectie

este ca si cum ai avea un GPS care insa in loc sa foloseasca hartile corecte, are unele false, create de elite, si care forteaza populatia sa se deplaseze spre prapastie sau distrugere

iar in final e o problema extrem de simpla

trebuie doar sa gasim o metoda de a reintroduce a feedbackului real, criticismul cinstit sau parrhesia, si atunci toata aceasta ceta de mascare, toate oglinzile acestea mincinoase ar iesi la iveala, si in GPS ar fi reintroduse hartile corecte, iar societatea occidentala si-ar da seama cit de aproape de prapastie este si isi va corecta cursul

solutia e simpla, dar implementarea ei e blocata de elite care au preluat complet controlul asupra informatiei, atât cea din mass media cât si cea de pe internet

iar daca aceasta informatie promovata de elite este ceea ce ne duce in prapastie ar trebui sa incepem sa gasim canale de comunicare noi, metode noi de a critica cinstit, de legare prin feedback a faptelor si consecintelor, fiindca acest feedback a fost inlocuit de elite cu pupatul in fund al elitelor, acest pupat fiind acum fapta care creaza o rasplata


Cred ca ne apropiem de punctul in care americanii sunt ghiftuiti de ce au cistigat in Europa, au dsitrus un concurent serios, iau distrus ba...