vineri, 31 martie 2017

389-Cum a aparut Clubul Select de Lux 1%?

Explica excelent ce s-a intimplat in SUA, ce a permis aparitia Clubului 1% si a lui Soros

E nevoie sa tii minte ca e vorba de sua si nu de europa de vest.
Problema apare odata cu presedentia lui Clinton:

The Clintons and the Democratic Leadership Council sold out the Democratic constituency, that is, the working class and peace, because they were convinced that they could get more money from Wall Street, the global corporations, and the military/security complex than they could from the labor unions.

-practic ce se spune este ca democratii au renuntat sa mai fie de stinga, sa mai reprezinte stinga traditionala, sa mai reprezinte clasa muncitoare si s-au reorientat spre EXTREMA DREAPTĂ.

The labor unions were going to be destroyed by jobs offshoring and the relocation of US manufacturing abroad. This relocation of American manufacturing would destroy the budgets of the state and local governments in America’s manufacturing regions and result in fierce pressure on the public sector unions, which are being destroyed in turn.

- distrugerea de mai sus e o consecinta a semnarii in 1994 de Clintona a NAFTA, North American Free trade Agrrement

In short, Democratic Party funding was evaporating, and Democrats needed to compete against Republicans for funding from the One Percent. George Soros helped the Clinton Democrats in this transition, and soon there was no one representing the working class.
Consequently, since Clinton the real median family income of the working class has been falling, and in the 21st century the working class has been buried in unemployment and debt.
- iar astea sunt consecintele NAFTA si a politicii democratilor sub Clinton (1993-2001), distrugerea partidului care reprezenta clasa muncitoare si inlocuirea acestuia cu o clona, clona creata cu ajutorul lui Soros
But the Democratic Party has prospered, and so have Bill and Hillary Clinton. The Democratic Party raised far more money, especially from the One Percent, than Trump, who allied with the working class, in the past presidential election. Bill & Hillary have a personal fortune of $120 million at least, and $1.6 trillion in their personal foundation that supports their daughter.
- iar clona ascunsa in faldurile partidului democratic din SUA a prosperat si i-a imbogatit pe cei de la virful partidului. Asa a aparut Clubul Select de Lux 1%.

Using Government to get rich is an old trick in America, but the Clintons took it to new highs when they flushed the working class and became the whores for Wall Street, Israel, and the military/security complex

miercuri, 22 martie 2017

388-Doar canibalismul mai lipseste

Am luat un curs online free, care e extraordinar de interesant :

In afara de multe alte lucruri care mi-au deschis o perspectiva complet noua asupra istoriei universale, am fost socat de o fraza folosita in mod repetat de profesoara care preda cursul:

Sodomy was, together with cannibalism and idolatry, one of the great vices that could justify a conquest.

Fraza se refera la viciile pe care civilizatia occidentala, in cazul acesta cea castiliana, le-au folosit ca sa isi justifice cucerirea si apoi distrugerea civilizatiilor Americii.

Iar civilizatia occidentala actuala, mai exact ramura ei progresista, prin noul ei misionarism lgbt-itst si ateist nu face altceva decit sa isi reia ofensiva agresiva impotriva oricarei civilizatii care nu ii acceepta valorile progresiste si probabil ca urmatoare dupa sodomie si idolatrie va fi canibalismul.


Cred ca ne apropiem de punctul in care americanii sunt ghiftuiti de ce au cistigat in Europa, au dsitrus un concurent serios, iau distrus ba...