,,Fondul Suveran nu este altceva decât o metodă de a fura puținii bani care mai reveneau statului. PIB-ul României mai primește doar 4% de la stat. Ei bine, Dragnea vrea să ia și banii ăștia, ultimii!”
se sparge unitatea intre soros si facebook
nu ei ne-au dat viata, ei doar incearca sa ne-o fure, sa ne
controleze, sa ne distruga pe altarul egoului lor
comentariile sunt interesante
,,Ion Cristoiu: Mi s-a făcut dor de o lovitură de stat
militară. Asta n-am trăit-o.”
,,Reţineţi ce vă spun: lăcustele ăstea occidentale n-au nici
stop şi nici ruşine. Ori vă treziţi de bună voie şi înţelegeţi că sunt nişte
golani infecţi, ori veţi fi treziţi forţat atunci când veţi realiza că, neavând
ce să mai fure de-aici, s-au hotărât să vă vândă pe post de proteină premium
triburilor canibale din Africa!”
lăcustele ăstea occidentale
Iau gazat și batut și Uie este disperat si toate comisiile,
și onu
Și toată media securista
asta e mass media
,,The nationwide protest was unusual because it arose from
within the citizenry, backed neither by unions nor politicians, although some
took part in a clear bid for supporters. It was unclear whether the upstart
movement, without a leader, would survive, and what problems it might pose for
,,Theresa May was put in charge of the U.K. to betray Brexit
from the beginning. She always represented
the interests of the European Union and those in British Parliament that backed
remaining in the EU.”
,,Establish political limits on globalization, which is
viewed as rewarding the few at the expense of the many. Opponents of
deglobalization label this “nationalism” to tar it with unsavory connotations
but this misses the point: globalization can indeed be exploitive and benefit
the few at the top. The notion that “a rising tide raises all boats” overlooks
the asymmetric distribution of globalization’s gains.”
,,On Sunday the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
summit ended in unprecedented chaos and disarray, without agreement on a joint
communique for the first time in its history as the escalating rivalry between
the United States and China dominated proceedings and reflected escalating
trade tensions.”
,,Macron şi Merkel au folosit această ocazie pentru a
semnala relansarea motorului franco-german al Uniunii Europene.”
Nemtii cei cinstiti
CAZUL BROWDER - Magnitskiy
,,A report from The Sunday Times in London said that British
officials expected Alexander Prokopchuk, 56, a veteran of Russia’s Interior
Ministry, to become the next Interpol president. It could not be independently
confirmed by The New York Times.”
,,daca stirea de mai sus e corecta, cum ca un rus va fi
viitorul sef al Interpol, atunci e probabil ca stirea urmatoare e legata de ea.”
,,la intilnirea lui trump cu putin, acesta din urma i-a
cerut lui trump sa ii dea voie sa il interogheze pe bowder”
tipul e acuzat de rusi ca a furat de a rupt din rusia si
apoi ca sa isi ascundea faptele. A dat spaga la killery si clinton si a zis ca
de fapt e persecutat politic.
si ca magnitskiy, un rus care lucra ptr el, a fost prizonier
politic omorit de rusi in puscarie ca sa nu ii dea in git pe rusi
putin a zis ca e exact invers, ca bowder a furat si ca
magnitskiy a fost otravit de bowder ca sa nu ii dea in git
iar pina acum putin nu poate sa puna mina pe bowder, desi
trump nu s-a opus pe fata
dar daca seful interpolului devine un rus, atunci rusii pot
sa faca un dosar cu acuzatii care sunt recunoscute de interpol, si atunci pot
sa emita un mandat de arestare.
iar bowder o sa fie fugarit pe tot globul si nu va fi salvat
decit daca americanii vor sa il protejeze
iar privind la situatia asta, respectiv ca bowder e protejat
de britanici si occidentali, el fiind parca doar cetatean britanic renuntind la
cetatenia americana, atunci devine de inteles manevra cu asa zisul caz Skripal
asa zisul caz skripal, cel pe care l-ar fi otravit rusii in
britanicii de fapt il apara pe browder si atunci ca sa ii
sperie pe rusi sa nu incerce sa il omoare pe acesta, au inventat cazul skripal
astfel ca rusii sa nu aibe curaj sa il omoare pe browder
au creat un caz asemanator ca sa le atraga atentia ca daca o
vor face va iesi f urit
asa ca rusii nu se pot atinge de el
dar sahistul putin, a mutat altfel
a scos cazul la iveala ca pe o problema majora la intilnirea
cu trump
si acum, daca reuseste sa preia sefia interpol, va putea sa
il aresteze interpolul
asa ca azi rusii au iesit la stiri si au spus ca au
descoperit ca magnitsky ar fi putut fi otravit cu aluminiu, ceva ce rusi nu ar
fi avut atunci, doar citeva tari occidentale avind asa ceva, si ca atare vor
emite un mandat de arestare ptr browder
mandat care va corespunde cerintelor interpol
iar seful interpol, daca va fi rus, il va aproba si atunci
tot circul britanicilor nu il va mai putea apara pe browder, decit daca il
ascund britanicii la ei in tara sau in una din coloniile lor
deci e posibil ca asta sa fie legatura intre cazul skripal,
intre discutiile lui putin cu trump la helsinki si arestul fostului sef
interpol de chinezi, care astfel i-au lasat liber rusului sa ajunga la virf
sah multidimensional, poate si cu ajutorul lui trump, care
banuiesc ca nu il simpatizeaza pe browder, cel care i-a mituit pe dusmanii lui,
killery si gasca ei
Bine spus șah multidimensional
deci cu ce i-a necajit pe rusi
i-a furat rau de tot, miliarde de dolari
apoi i-a acuzat pe rusi ca ei sunt cei care l-au furat
apoi a creat asa numitul caz magnitskiy
cum ca rusii l-ar fi omorit pe magnitskiy, un acolit al lui
browder, care era in arest, ca sa nu ii dea in git pe rusi
si apoi ar fi dat spaga la americani, killery si gasca ei,
ca sa il sustina
si sa faca lobby ca rusii sa fie pedepsiti ptr asta, iar
congresul american, si apoi si canadienii parca, au dat asa numitul magnitskiy act, care le
permite sa sanctioneze pe oricine, in orice tara, daca considera ca e corupt samd
adica i-a scuipat in gura dupa ce i-a furat
a fost facut si un film dar mass media occidentala ca si
parlamentul ue nu a vrut sa il vizioneze sau prezinte
,,This film was made by the main Russian government news
broadcasting company, Rossiya 1.
It alleges that Bill Browder, the legendary American hedge
fund manager who from 1995 – 2005 was the largest foreign investor in Russia,
controlling billions of $ and a significant share of Russia’s leading
companies, was in fact a CIA front.
At one point his funds owned 7% of Gazprom, using what the
film argues were illegal schemes to acquire shares
The film argues that Browder’s whole involvement with Russia
was a CIA operation to disrupt Russia politically and economically
It alleges that in 2006, Browder was instructed by the CIA
to provide financial support to the rising opposition politician, Alexei
Navalny, and that the two then closely cooperated for the next 5 years.”
Înscenarea Skripal
adica se leaga faptul ca interpolul ar putea fi condus de un
rus, cu faptul ca azi rusii il acuza oficial pe browder si ca skripal ar fi
putut fi o lovitura de avertisment a britancilor contra rusilor ca sa nu il
omoare pe browder care a renuntat la cetatenia americana si are doar cetatenie
britanica acum
iar daca broder a fost omul cia cum spun rusii, atunci cazul
skripal a fost doar un false flag ca sa ii sperie pe rusi si sa nu se atinga de
,,Russian prosecutors on Monday claimed that Magnitsky and
several other people familiar with Browder’s illicit activities in Russia may
have been killed on his order. They said a new criminal case has been opened
against Browder in Russia, and that Moscow will seek his extradition as an
alleged ringleader of an international criminal enterprise involved in money
rusii au mai emis mandat de arestare dar interpolul nu i-a
sprijinit atunci
,,A Spanish National Police spokeswoman confirmed that
Browder was detained on Wednesday morning in Madrid and taken to a police
station to check on the arrest warrant, but said that police determined the
order was no longer valid.
While Browder accused Russia of “abusing” Interpol in his
case, the international policing body disputed his claim - stating it had never
issued an arrest warrant for the businessman.”
“There is not, and never has been, a Red Notice [arrest
warrant] for Bill Browder. Mr Browder is not wanted via Interpol channels,” the
organization said in a tweet.”
deci interpolul pina acum nu a vrut sa accepte mandatul
rusilor de arestare, desi rusia e membra a interpolului
,,Browder and other opponents of Russian President Vladimir Putin have complained that Russia has tried to use Interpol against them.
If a Russian is elected as its new president, it could encourage Moscow to intensify attempts to hunt down its critics abroad.”
,,The city's Office of the Chief Medical Examiner on
Thursday said Best died from "multiple blunt force injuries" and it
ruled his death a suicide. It would not release further information.
In May, Stat reported that Best was a seasoned negotiator -
however questions remained on "whether he'll advocate for his former
colleagues in the PBM world, or if, in the words of a lobbyist, he'll show the
public "where the bodies are buried
Best, a senior adviser to HHS Secretary Alex Azar, was found
"unresponsive" at 5:25 a.m. on Nov. 1 near the garage door exit of a
Navy Yard apartment building, which is located approximately a mile south of
the Capitol.”
deci daca acesta, Best, a decis sa arate publicului
"where bodies are burried"
adica sa dea in git industria pharma, e posibil ca "sinuciderea" lui sa fi fost ajutata de cei care erau in pericol sa fie demascati
,,I do believe that when Russian President Vladimir Putin brought Mr. Browder up at the post-Helsinki Summit press conference he was doing so to begin the process of flushing Browder out into the open while Russia continues to investigate his offshore business dealings.
That’s why this change at Interpol seems so convenient to me . The leader of the biggest obstacle to Browder winding up in a Russian court, Interpol, is suddenly recalled to China on unspecified corruption charges. paving the way for Russia to set Interpol’s priorities.
The big questions at this point are, “What does Trump know?” and “Does he even care?”
Because if he was given even part of the story by Putin at Helsinki then there may be a lot more here than we think. What I do know is that if Prokopchuk takes over Interpol, Browder should buddy up with Julian Assange because he won’t be leaving the U.K. anytime soon.”
sah multidimensional 😊
adica sa dea in git industria pharma, e posibil ca "sinuciderea" lui sa fi fost ajutata de cei care erau in pericol sa fie demascati
,,I do believe that when Russian President Vladimir Putin brought Mr. Browder up at the post-Helsinki Summit press conference he was doing so to begin the process of flushing Browder out into the open while Russia continues to investigate his offshore business dealings.
That’s why this change at Interpol seems so convenient to me . The leader of the biggest obstacle to Browder winding up in a Russian court, Interpol, is suddenly recalled to China on unspecified corruption charges. paving the way for Russia to set Interpol’s priorities.
The big questions at this point are, “What does Trump know?” and “Does he even care?”
Because if he was given even part of the story by Putin at Helsinki then there may be a lot more here than we think. What I do know is that if Prokopchuk takes over Interpol, Browder should buddy up with Julian Assange because he won’t be leaving the U.K. anytime soon.”
sah multidimensional 😊