La noi l-au pus pe Citu tocmai ca sa "finacializeze" economia romaneasca, ca sa poata fi preluata de banii tipariti in america
asta e rolul lui Citu si in afara unei revolutii nu cred ca se va schimba nimic
de abia cind tot ce e de valoare va fi preluat de rechinii financiari cu bani tipariti, de abia atunci Citu si ai lui nu vor mai fi necesari
dar atunci von fi saraci si indatorati rechimilor financiari ptr urmatoarele generatii
copii, nepotii si stranepotii nostri vor munci doar ca saplateasca rechimilor financiari ptr banii de hirtoe primiti de la ei
Citu transpune in practica strategia de prelare pe gratis a tot ce e de valoare in tara
de la bunurile fizice, pamint, aer, apa, paduri, bogatii naturale samd pina la forta de munca
forta de munca este indatorata ptr multe generatii si munca ei va fi in permanenta taxata de rechinii financiari prin dobinzi si alte instrumente financiare pe care Citu si gasca lui de diavoli le implemeteaza acum
viitorul Romaniei e sumbru si nu vad nici o iesire!
"solutia"lui Soros la criza din UE
el o numeste Perpetual Bonds
adica UE se imprumuta cu o suma uriasa pe o perioada lunga, iar acest imprumut nu se plateste ci se reinnoieste la perioade fixe
iar cei care au imprumutat, adica rechinii financiari ca el, vor primi dobina la aceste obligatiuni/bonds in perpeuitate
iar statele UE vor trebui sa taxeze populatia in perpetuitate ca sa plateasca aceasta dobinda a rechinilor financiari
cam astea sunt "solutiile" celor ca Soros, sa impuna biruri si sa suga toata osânza UE in perpetuitate, iar cu banii obtinuti din aceste biruri sa atace si sa cucereasca si restul planetei, sa creeze o "societate deschisa" sau Open SOciety cum o numeste super paianjenul veninos, si apoi sa isi impuna birurile financiare si asupra restului lumii, sa primeasca el, si shleahta lui de khazari si nu numai, bani din nimic in perpetuitate
asta e ideea in spatele Open Society si Perpetual Bonds, transformarea intregii planete intr-o societate de scalvi finaciari condusa de Super Painajeni
,,Marx and many of his less radical contemporary reformers saw the historical role of industrial capitalism as being to clear away the legacy of feudalism – the landlords, bankers and monopolists extracting economic rent without producing real value. But that reform movement failed. Today, the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (FIRE) sector has regained control of government, creating neo-rentier economies.
The aim of this post-industrial finance capitalism is the opposite of that of industrial capitalism as known to 19th-century economists: It seeks wealth primarily through the extraction of economic rent not industrial capital formation. Tax favoritism for real estate, privatization of oil and mineral extraction, banking and infrastructure monopolies add to the cost of living and doing business. Labor is being exploited increasingly by bank debt, student debt, credit-card debt, while housing and other prices are inflated on credit, leaving less income to spend on goods and services as economies suffer debt deflation.
Today’s New Cold War is a fight to internationalize this rentier capitalism by globally privatizing and financializing transportation, education, health care, prisons and policing, the post office and communications, and other sectors that formerly were kept in the public domain of European and American economies so as to keep their costs low and minimize their cost structure.
In the Western economies such privatizations have reversed the drive of industrial capitalism to minimize socially unnecessary costs of production and distribution. In addition to monopoly prices for privatized services, financial managers are cannibalizing industry by debt leveraging and high dividend payouts to increase stock prices.
What promised to be a democratic and ultimately socialist dynamic has relapsed back toward feudalism and debt peonage, with the financial class today playing the role that the landlord class did in post-medieval times.
Instead of the financial sector evolving to fund capital investment in manufacturing, industry is being financialized. Making economic gains financially, primarily by debt leverage, far outstrips making profits by hiring employees to produce goods and services.
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