- dupa ce 8 ani ne-a bagat pe gat globalizarea, acum brusc, cand urmasa lui a pierdut, brusc a descoperit ca GLOBALIZAREA NU E BUNA!
- tipic de politician de rahat care schimba macazul dupa cum bate vantul, acum vrea sa intre in cartile de istorie cu ceva pozitiv, nu ca idiotul care ne-a dus in pragul celui de al treilea razboi mondial
Obama calls for 'course correction' on globalisation during Europe visit
,,When we see people, global elites, wealthy
corporations seemingly living by a different
set of rules, avoiding taxes, manipulating
loopholes... this feeds a profound sense of
injustice," he said.
,,But Obama also offered a ringing defence
of liberal democracy, saying: "I firmly believe
of liberal democracy, saying: "I firmly believe
that the best hope for human progress
remains open markets, combined with
democracy and human rights".
-foarte interesant articolul cu Hussein -
-pai, ne-au chinuit degeaba? Adica renuntam
la Globalism?
-natiunile o sa intre inapoi in matca?
-au murit degeaba copiii la Colectiv? Si au iesit
degeaba tinerii urati si neliberi in strada?
-chiar degeaba ne-au chinuit?
-Gata, nu mai devenim sodomisti?
-zice ca toate unitatile militare de sorosisti sa
intre in cazarmi!
-ziarele si televiziunile sodomiste se vor
-poporul american ne-a eliberat de satanismul
progresist de stat? Este uimitor!
progresist de stat? Este uimitor!
-o sa intre tortionarii la inchisoare?
Nu, se vor transforma si se vor masca:
Capitane nu fii trist, garda merge inainte in
Partidul sorosist.
Ce rimeaza!
In partidele sorosiste, ca sunt aproape toate...
In partidele sorosiste, ca sunt aproape toate...
- in haita de lupi a partidului democrat sunt
miscari de trupe, apar lupi care contesta si ataca
sefia haitei
sefia haitei
- lupii din hainta inteleg ca sefii lor nu au reusit sa le aduca o prada bogata, ba din contra au pierdut cam tot ce aveau, asa ca e timpul pentru o schimbare
Geopolitical thinking, which is still governed by an antiquated, Newtonian logic, should be looked at through a quantum mechanics lens. Currently, it remains anchored in the writings of the 17th century philosopher Thomas Hobbes, who saw the world as functioning according to fairly simple mechanical laws. The control over territory trumps all else. When forces collide, one must give way.
This is hardly the way to understand our increasingly complex world. It is time for geopolitics to evolve toward a framework capable of grappling simultaneously with accumulating forces beyond 17th-century sovereignty, such as 18th-century enlightenment, 19th-century imperialism, 20th-century capitalism, and 21st-century technology.
foarte bun articol:
This is hardly the way to understand our increasingly complex world. It is time for geopolitics to evolve toward a framework capable of grappling simultaneously with accumulating forces beyond 17th-century sovereignty, such as 18th-century enlightenment, 19th-century imperialism, 20th-century capitalism, and 21st-century technology.
foarte bun articol:
Atunci, DRAIN THE SWAMP in Romania!!!
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