duminică, 31 decembrie 2017

431-Elita Americana vrea RAZBOI - Lacomia e mai Mare decat ratiunea

Trump e condus de Complexul Militar Industrial dar nu are curaj, sau nu are viziunea sa vada realitatea adevarata. Chiar daca o spune chiar el. 

Deci recunoaste ca a dat asa de multi bani Complexului (comenzi) incat crede aiurea ca astia se vor bate pentru el. 

Mai corect e invers, Complexul il va manevra atata timp cat banii vor veni, dar il vor arunca la gunoi imediat atunci cand nu le va mai satisface  nevoile mereu crescute. 

Si nu trebuie sa uitam ca si noi platim pentru asta prin cumparare de armamanet american, dar nu avem niciun beneficiu, decat acela de a deveni curand carne de tun degeaba si sa ne trimitem soldatii sa moara in locul celor americani care sunt ff scumpi. 
Concluzia este ca Hillary ne ardea cu progresismul si sexologia, vroia sa ne faca pe toti fetite, dar  Trump ne arde la bani, asa ca nu stiu cu care este mai rau. 

Americanii vor sa dam o palma rusilor -VA FI RAZBOI si vom muri DEGEABA, de LASI si TRADATORI ce suntem.


imi place finalul articolului:

 All my education has always been based on a crucial central assumption: the other guy is rational.
That is a huge assumption to make, but one which was fundamentally true during the Cold War.

asta ne-a ajutat sa nu avem razboi in europa atita timp cit a existat urss, faptul ca ambele tabere erau conduse de oameni rationali

Today I find myself inclined to think that psychologists are probably better suited to make predictions about the actions of the rulers of the AngloZionist Empire than military analysts.

Cu alte cuvinte elita americana actuala nu mai pare sa fie calauzita de ratiune, mai ales ca se simte in pericol sa isi piarda avantajele cucerite dupa caderea urss

lacomia pare sa fi inlocuit ratiunea si frica sa nu isi piarda privilegiile daca lumea devine multipolara i-ar putea impinge sa ia decizii catastrofale pentru restul lumii pe care o considera oricum inferioara, o specie care e doar tolerata daca isi slujeste bine stapinii

Sa ne pregatim de RAZBOI, si noi vom fi primii loviti pt ca Stapanul NE DESCONSIDERA caci suntem lasi si NU LUPTAM, Occidentalii ne fura de nu ne vedem si noi SUNTEM FERICITI.

CIA incearca sa porneasca o revolutie portocalie in Iran
de trei zile au inceput proteste "spontane"
dar nu cred ca vor avea vreo sansa, pentru ca Iranul este o natiune.

aventura asta daca se amplifica ar putea duce la un razboi, poate chiar al treilea razboi mondial, fiindca israelul, arabia saudita si sua sunt disperate sa nu piarda orientul mijlociu in fata rusilor si chinezilor

si atunci s-ar putea adeveri profetia fostului consilier iulian fota cum ca romania va deveni frontline
e bine ca avem o clasa conducatoare si un stat paralel si servicii care au grija de populatie punindu-o in bataia focului

din pacate intuitia mare pare sa fie corecta


social media postings said a third day of protests broke out in cities including Tehran, Shahr-e Kord and Kermanshah, where a video showed dozens of protesters booing after police announced on a loudspeaker that any gathering would be illegal. The footage could not be authenticated.

The United States condemned the arrests, with President Donald Trump tweeting: “Iranian govt should respect their people’s rights, including right to express themselves. The world is watching!”


The US State Department has issued a formal condemnation of the Iranian government following two days of economic protests centering in a handful of cities, calling the regime "a rogue whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos" while announcing support for protesters. It fits a familiar script which seems to roll out when anyone protests for any reason in a country considered an enemy of the United States (whether over economic grievances or full on calling for government overthrow).

If this is the "regime change" operation I presume, the protests will soon get bigger. When the people need money a few thousand dollars are enough to create a large crowd. Small groups will riot while hiding within the larger protests of maybe genuinely concerned people. The "western" media will engage with their usual pseudo liberal humanism and concern trolling. When the police in Iran tries to arrest those rioters who are raising havoc the media will scream "brutality". Some "martyr" will be created and iconified. Rumors of censorship and suppression will be raised (see Carl Bildt above), fake news will come from everywhere and hundreds of sock puppet Twitter and Facebook accounts will suddenly be "Iranian" and breathlessly report "from the scene" of their Langley offices.


Not only has the swamp easily, quickly and totally drowned Trump, but the AngloZionist Empire is reeling from its humiliating defeat in Syria and the Neocons are now treating our entire planet to a never ending barrage of threats.
It is plainly obvious that the Neocons are now back in total control of the White House, Congress and the US corporate media.

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Cred ca ne apropiem de punctul in care americanii sunt ghiftuiti de ce au cistigat in Europa, au dsitrus un concurent serios, iau distrus ba...