joi, 20 iunie 2019

571-Corporatiile/Globalistii pregatesc sa preia FINANTELE lumii prin CRYPTOCURRENCY si oamenii FaceBook

“In a sense, he is declaring that he wants Facebook to become a virtual nation, populated by users, powered by a self-contained economy, and headed by a CEO — Zuckerberg himself — who is not even accountable to his shareholders.”

se pare ca e cel mai puternic atac al globalistilor/corporatistilor contra lumii care nu e controlata de ei, lumea unde finantele/globalistii/corporatiile nu au reusit sa isi instaleze "ordinea"

practic FB si in spatele companiei sunt serviciile secrete americane si occidentale, vor sa creeze o moneda virtuala controlata de FB/occidentali/servicii secrete care sa inlocuiasca monedele nationale din tarile in curs de dezvoltare

si practic astfel, printr-un software, sa preia controlul sistemului financiar din tarile respective, sa ia locul bancilor nationale de acolo si apoi sa preia controlul si asupra guvernului, legislativului, justitiei

e cea mai noua forma de neocolonialism care se face la nivel non statal, practic corporatiile vor sa preia controlul asupra acestor state
asa ca practic asaltul globalistilor e pe doua planuri
e unul prin Complexul Militaro Industrial, sau hardware, care creeaza baze militare si conflicte in zonele respective
si al doilea e prin corporatiile IT, partea software, care vrea sa preia controlul asupra finatelor tarilor respective

practic daca Fb reuseste, atunci tarile respective vor fi doar niste marionete conduse de oamenii FB, cam cum e si la noi acum, doar ca sunt alte companii care ne impun marionetele

iar daca experimentul reuseste, atunci FB/globalistii/deep state/corporatiile vor incerca sa foloseasca aceassta moneda in restul lumii, incet incet inlocuind dolarul si celelalte monede nationale

iar moneda respectiva va fi doar un computer code, nesustinuta de nimic, controlata de o corporatie care va deveni mai puternica decit orice guvern din lume

Years ago, Mark Zuckerberg made it clear that he doesn’t think Facebook is a business. “In a lot of ways, Facebook is more like a government than a traditional company,” said Mr. Zuckerberg. “We’re really setting policies.” He has acted consistently as a would-be sovereign power. For example, he is attempting to set up a Supreme Court-style independent tribunal to handle content moderation. And now he is setting up a global currency.

The coming out party for FacebookCoin (aka Libra) is in my view the first real indication the forces of corporate oligarchy are determined to ensure the new world reflects their vision and is under their control.

once it has a foot in the door and gains traction amongst its massive user base, all Facebook has to do is wait until the current assortment of global governments and their respective central banks fail.

With the credibility of global governments and central banks in the toilet by then, Facebook and its corporate oligarch partners will be in a prime position to take over a sizable chunk of worldwide payments using their own currency. In other words, this appears to be a long-term scheme by elements of corporate oligarchy to position themselves as an unelected and unaccountable future sovereign power.

Facebook could easily team up with governments or government linked deep-state type entities to stop transactions or freeze the accounts of “problematic” citizens. It would be a very convenient way to get around the rule of law in a place like the U.S., and would represent a perfect symbiotic relationship of tyranny between what could at that point be a vestigial state apparatus and empowered tech giant oligarchs.

The launching of FacebookCoin represents one segment of corporate oligarchy throwing its hat in the ring, and a very dangerous one at that given the already existing dominance of tech giants in the communications realm. From my perspective, communications and money are two aspects of human existence so fundamental to liberty they should remain as free and uninhibited as possible. To trust these things to a collection of billionaires and their corporations would represent the pinnacle of short-sightedness and insanity.

nu stiu daca stirea asta a fost prezentata in mass media romaneasca, si mai ales cum a fost prezentata
ce poate fi in spatele acestei asa zise crypto monede ar fi ceva nou

Think this through for five seconds and you get to the obvious conclusion. Facebook and the Wall St. banks which actually control it are creating a coin to do away with national currencies in the countries most vulnerable to the Fed’s control over the global monetary system.

This is the next step in the quest to create a world currency.

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Cred ca ne apropiem de punctul in care americanii sunt ghiftuiti de ce au cistigat in Europa, au dsitrus un concurent serios, iau distrus ba...