marți, 23 aprilie 2019


The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), located in Basal, Switzerland, is often referred to as the central bankers’ bank. Related to this issue of central bank hoarding of gold is the fact that on March 29 the BIS will permit central banks to count the physical gold it holds (marked to market) as a reserve asset just the same as it allows cash and sovereign debt instruments to be counted.

se pare ca de citeva saptamini a fost o schimbare importanta in modul in care functioneaza bancile
idea de baza e ca s-a aprobat ca bancile sa poata sa foloseasca aurul ca rezerva monetara, lucru care nu mai era acceptat de prin anii 70
se stia ca se va ajunge la situatia asta de ceva timp asa ca multe state inte care rusia si china si-au marit rezervele de aur

pina acum nu erau acceptate ca rezerve decit hirtii de valoare in dolari sau alte monede internationale, euro, samd
asa ca timp de multi ani aurul a fost devalorizat prin tranzactii la bursa, iar marii jucatori au achizitionat aurul fizic la preturi mai mici
acum cind aurul devine rezerva oficial, pretul lui va creste, iar cei care au rezerve mari de aur vor fi mai bogati peste noapte
cred ca de aceea era atacul la bnr ptr rezerva de aur a romaniei

The Basel III decision meant that gold as a reserve of the third category was earlier estimated at 50% of its value on the balance sheets of world banks. 

At the same time, all owners of world money traded in gold not physically, but on paper, without the movement of real metal, the volume of which in the world wasn’t enough for real transactions.

This was done in order to push down the price of gold, to keep it as low as possible. First of all, for the benefit of the dollar. After all, the dollar is tied to oil, which had to cost no less than the price of one gram of gold per barrel.

And now it was decided to place gold not in the third, but “just” in the first category. And it means that now it is possible to evaluate it not at 50, but at 100% of its value

adica psd a cerut ca aurul sa fie adus in tara, iar bnr refuza
daca aurul e adus in tara si scos de la bnr, valoarea lui fiind mult mai mare decit e considerata in contabilitate, atunci trezoreria brusc devine mai bogata
valoarea actuala a aurului e la un pret mai mic, dar poate creste rapis
Și de ce nu vrea BNR asta?

asa ca daca aurul e preluat de guvern de la bnr, guvernul se poate umple de bani fara sa faca nimic
de ce ar vrea Rotschild sa o faca?
Pai nu se tine tot la BNR, adica la Rotschild?
ce se intimpla in romania e o batalie intre psd si bnr/rotschild

If banks own and possess gold bullion, they can use that asset as equity and thus this will enable them to print more money.

deci daca aurul se intoarce in tara, bnr ar avea dreptul sa printeze mai multi bani fiindca ar avea aurul care sa le dea voie sa o faca
deci daca aurul se intoarce psd va incerca sa forteze bnr sa o faca
ceea ce cred ca vor si italienii care vor sa preia aurul de la banca lor centrala

The only way governments can manage the levels of debt that threaten the financial survival of the Western world is to inflate (debase) their currencies. The ability to count gold as a reserve from which banks can create monetary inflation is not only to allow gold to become a reserve on the balance sheet of banks but to have a much, much higher, gold price to build up equity in line with the massive debt in the system.

deci acceptarea aurului ca rezerva calculata la emiterea de moneda e o metoda de a scapa de problemele legale de datoriile actuale
practic aurul devine o valuta, la fel ca dolarul, euro samd, si atunci rezervele valutare ale bancilor care detrin aur cresc

iar daca pina acum s-a incercat mentinerea pretului aurului la un nivel scazut, acum valoarea lui va creste fiindca va fi considerat nu numai o marfa, precum petrolul, griul, samd cum era pina acum, ci va fi si valuta, lda fel ca dolarul, euro...
deci tarile care au mult aur vor deveni brusc mai bogate si vor putea emite mai multi bani fara sa creeze inflatie

But all the largest states and holders of gold will now revaluate their gold and foreign exchange reserves: Germany, Italy, France, Russia, China, and Switzerland – countries where the gold reserves exceed 1,000 tons.

Thus, it seems that it is possible to congratulate us – the dollar era lasting from 1944 to 2019 has ended. Now gold is restored in its rights and is not an exchange metal, but world money on an equal basis with the dollar, euro, and British pound. Now gold will start to rise in price, and its price will rise from $1200-1400 per troy ounce up to $1800-2000 by this autumn. Now it is clear why Russia and China during all these years so persistently decanted its export income into the growth of gold reserves. There is now such a situation where nobody in the world will sell gold.

Armata americana asimilata cu Daesh, Isis
f sugestive pozele

masca digitala, cum se cheama in articolul de mai sus e discutata si in alt articol de pe zerohedge

More than 16,000 signals are analyzed by a service called Sift, which generates a "Sift score" ranging from 1 - 100. The score is used to flag devices, credit cards and accounts that a vendor may want to block based on a person or entity's overall "trustworthiness" score, according to a company spokeswoman.

din articolul de ieri despre crypto judaism:
That Zionism is biblical doesn’t mean it is religious; to Zionists, THE BIBLE IS BOTH A “NATIONAL NARRATIVE” AND A GEOPOLITICAL PROGRAM RATHER THAN A RELIGIOUS BOOK

mai tii minte ca ziceam saptamina trecuta ca vechiul testament din biblie, e de fapt limbajul masina al evreilor?
autorul foloseste aici national narrative sa descrie biblia evreiasca, iar eu inteleg prin asta folosind o analogie cu computerele, CA LIMBAJ MASINA, CA CEVA CE E INSCRIS IN EDUCATIA NOASTRA, IN CULTURA NOASTRA DE CIND DESCHIDEM OCHII

Christian will say that Zionists don’t read their Bible correctly. Obviously, they don’t read it with the pink Christian glasses.
autorul merge pe alta idee decit a mea, merge pe nationalismul evreilor care este bazat pe biblie desi nu pe religie

biblia lor e privita nu ca religie ci ca o istorie care le arata greselile facute si corectiile pe care ei trebuie sa le faca

crestinii privesc insa biblia ca pe o carte religioasa in primul rind si nu una de istorie, dar si ca intructiuni de purtare in viata
dar in acelasi timp INGHIT ideea ca evreii ar fi fost napastuiti de ne evrei
iar asta e parte din limbajul masina
crestinii accepta din start ca evreii sunt victime
ca evreii sunt un popor ales
ca evreii trebuie protejati
iar ideile astea sunt specifice mai ales protestantilor, pocaitilor SI NU CATOLICILOR SAU ORTODOXILOR


Biblical prophecies outline Israel’s ultimate destiny, or meta-Zionism, whereas the historical books, and particularly the Book of Joshua, set the pattern for the first stage, the conquest of Palestine, or Zionism

Of course, not everything in the historical books is pure invention: ancient materials were used, but the main narrative that aggregates them is built on a post-exilic ideological construct. The central piece of that narrative is the glorious kingdom of Solomon, reaching from the Euphrates to the Nile (1Kings 5:1), with its magnificent temple and its lavish royal palace in Jerusalem (described in detail in 1Kings 5-8). Solomon had “seven hundred wives of royal rank and three hundred concubines” (11:3) and “received gifts from all the kings in the world, who had heard of his wisdom” (5:14). 

We know today that Solomon’s kingdom is a complete fabrication, a mythical past projected as the mirror image of a desired future, a fictitious justification for the prophecy of its “restoration”. Even the idea that Jerusalem, located in Judea, was once the capital of Israel is blatantly false: Israel never had any other capital than Samaria. Twentieth-century archeology has definitively exposed the fallacy: there is no trace whatsoever of Solomon and his “united kingdom”

That transformation of national Yahweh into the “God of heaven and earth” is a case of crypsis, an imitation of Persian religion, for the purpose of political and cultural ascendency. The Persians were predominantly monotheistic under the Achaemenids, worshipers of the Supreme God Ahura Mazda, whose representations and invocations can be seen on royal inscriptions. Herodotus—who, by the way, travelled through Syria-Palestine around 450 BCE without hearing about Jews

Judean monotheism is exclusivist because, although Yahweh now claims to be the universal God, he remains the ethnocentric, jealous god of Israel.

The process of how Yahweh was transformed from national to universal god, while remaining intensely chauvinistic, can actually be documented from the Book of Ezra

In other words, according to the author of the book of Ezra, only the kings of Persia imagine that Yahweh is “the God of Heaven”—a common title of the universal Ahura Mazda—while for the Jews, Yahweh is merely their god, the “god of Israel,” the god of their fathers, in short, a national god.

This unmistakable PATTERN in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah may be taken as a clue of the deepest secret of Judaism, and a key to understanding the real nature of “Jewish universalism”: for the Jews, Yahweh is the god of the Jews, whereas Gentiles must be told that he is the supreme and only God.

citeste paragraful de mai sus, e f interesant
ca si urmatorul

“IN THE HEART OF ANY PIOUS JEW, GOD IS A JEW,” writes Maurice Samuel in You Gentiles (1924), while to Gentiles, Yahweh must be presented as THE UNIVERSAL GOD WHO HAPPENS TO PREFER JEWS

The hypothesis that the dual nature of Yahweh (god of Israel for the Jews, God of the Universe for Gentiles) was intentionally encrypted into the Hebrew Bible becomes more plausible when we find the same pattern in the Book of Joshua
To the Jews, Yahweh is their national god, but it is good for the Jews that Gentiles (whether kings or prostitutes) regard Yahweh as the “God of Heaven”

si concluzia urmatoare e f interesanta
It has worked wonderfully: Christians today believe that the God of humankind decided to manifest himself as the jealous “god of Israel” from the time of Moses, whereas the real historical process is the reverse: it is the tribal “god of Israel” who impersonated the God of humankind at the time of Ezra—while continuing to prefer Jews.

WORSHIPPING A NATIONAL GOD WITH IMPERIALISTIC AMBITIONS, while pretending to the Gentiles that they are worshipping the One True God, is manufacturing a catastrophic misunderstanding.

finalul e fantastic:



Alastair Crooke thinks that the 'western' system at large is crumbling down:
    Wherever one looks, it is evident that the post-war Establishment élites are on the backfoot. They maintain a studied panglossian hauteur.
    More fundamentally, the question is rarely asked: can America truly Be Made Great Again (MAGA), its military totally renewed, and its civil infrastructure refurbished, when starting out from a position today (year to date) where its shortfall of Federal revenue to expenditure is 30%; where its debt is now so great that the US may only survive by again repressing interest rates to a (zombifying) near zero?

    And again, is it truly feasible to force manufacturing jobs back to a high-cost base America, from their low-cost, offshoring in Asia – against the backdrop of an America made progressively ‘higher-cost’, through its locked-in monetary inflation policies – except by crashing the value of the dollar to make this high cost base platform globally competitive again? Is MAGA realistic; or will the re-capture of jobs back to the US from the low-cost world end by triggering the very recession which the Central Banks so fear?

    And as the post-war élites in America and Europe become more and more desperate to maintain the illusion of being the vanguard of global civilisation, how will they cope with the re-appearance of a ‘civilization-state’ in its own right: i.e. China?

The US is a gold flecked garbage heap slowly rolling towards the ocean. On fire.
There is a lot of ruin in a nation, but for almost 40 years now America’s elites have treated the US as something to loot, and assumed that the good times would keep rolling. THEY WERE UNINTERESTED IN ACTUALLY GOVERNING. 

They were happy to move much of America’s core manufacturing overseas, to the most likely nation to replace America as a hegemon, because the Chinese were smart enough to make American elites rich.
Super paianjenii adica Deep state au alta agenda.

the looking glass splinter article e f interesant

partea finala din articol mi s-a parut fantastica fiindca mi-a prezentat un alt fel de a privi la iudaism, ca o Metoda de cucerire, un program de ocupare a mintilor goimilor
pina acum am fost bombardat de peste tot cu ideea ca Y (Zeul evreilor) e aceeasi fiinta ca Dumnezeu (D) crestinilor

am inghitit aceasta suprapunere intre Y si D de cind ma stiu

asa ca am considerat ca Y=D este corect si ca a fost demonstrat, deci nu trebuie pus la indoiala
cu alte cuvinte D ESTE MAI MARE DECA Y

si ca atare e normal ca evrei a fie poporul ales, dar nu al lui D ci al lui Y
iar Y este un zeu subordonat lui D, nu este aceeasi fiinta cu D

ca atare faptul ca evreii sunt poporul ales e ceva banal, acelasi lucru se intimpla in sute de alte religii
cu alte cuvinte evreii nu sunt egali crestinilor intrucit zeul lor Y este doar un subordonat al lui D
in asta consta marea revelatie a finalului articolului

si ca atare nu reprezinta mai multa importanta ptr crestini decit orice alta secta care venereaza un zeu local

mai ai articolul despre ashkenazi jews dna de la un institut american unde spunea ca ei sunt de fapt originari din europa/asia si ca prin urmare nu sunt semiti

cu alte cuvinte doar evreii sefardici sunt semiti pe cind cei din estul si centrul europei sunt urmasii khazarilor, khazari care nu sunt semiti ci un popor turcic la origine, care a trecut la iudaism si care apoi a fost impins din zona la nord de marea neagra si caspica spre vest oprindu-se in europa de est si centrala

am gasit articolul de mai jos, dar mai era unul pe care inca nu l-am gasit de la un institut american

si in articol se prezentau cele doua ipoteze despre originea evreilor ashkenzai, semita sau khazara
Cu Bibi e mai complicat

Trebuie sa faca o coalitie cu extrema dreapta ca sa ajunga la putere
Nu a cistigat, dar cei de dreapta au mai multe voturi
Asa ca urmeaza negocieri si daca reuseste sa faca o coalitie redevine premier.

Părinţii săi, tatăl de origine română şi mama de origine ungară, sunt supravieţuitori ai Holocaustului

Dar realitatea care a definit Europa atunci nu mai există. Nu există o amenințare generală pentru Europa. Rușii s-au retras dincolo de vechile lor linii. Ei se specializează în trolling pe internet și nu urmează să facă o invazie. Europenii nu sunt pregătiți să-și subordoneze NATO opțiunea de război, iar americanii au un interes în a se confrunta cu rușii din Polonia și România, dar nu au nevoie de un plan de război al NATO pentru a face acest lucru. Vasta infrastructură a NATO este inutilă.

are dreptate NATO ca armata care sa lupte contra rusilor nu mai e necesara
doar ca nu asta e rolul real al NATO,
NATO este mecanismul prin care CMI isi vinde produsele si prin care controleaza tarile aliantei
,,când amesteci justiția în viața politică e mai toxic decât când se amestecă politicul în justiție, fiindcă, la apăsarea pe buton, poți elimina orice lider politic incomod, orice ziarist incomod, orice om de afaceri care stă în calea unui proiect unor prieteni de afaceri de-ai tăi.”

,,Papa Francisc I este pentru un migraţionism necondiţionat şi scopul unora dintre vizitele sale – nu e un secret pentru nimeni – ESTE DE A DETERMINA CONDUCERILE ACESTOR ŢĂRI SĂ PRIMEASCĂ MIGRANŢI. În privinţa acestora, Robert Sarah susţine CĂ EXISTĂ RISCUL APARIŢIEI UNEI NOI FORME DE SCLAVIE, SCLAVIA DEZRĂDĂCINĂRII, A PIERDERII IDENTITĂŢII.”

,,La originea prăbuşirii Occidentului – spune cardinalul Robert Sarah – se află o criză culturală şi identitară. Occidentul nu mai ştie cine este, fiindcă nu mai vrea să ştie cine l-a modelat, cine l-a constituit aşa cum a fost şi aşa cum este. Numeroase ţări îşi ignoră astăzi propria istorie. Această autoasfixie conduce în mod natural la o decadenţă care deschide drum noilor civilizaţii barbare".

the Italian parliament is pushing to repatriate the nation’s gold reserves from the Bank of Italy. Two laws are under consideration:
One law would instruct the central bank’s owners, most of them private banks, to sell their shares to the Italian Treasury at prices from the 1930s.
The other law would declare the Italian people to be the owners of the Bank of Italy’s reserve of 2451.8 metric tons of gold, worth around $102 billion at current prices.

The Bank of Italy is mostly owed by Italian commercial banks who are now both insolvent and at risk of EU banking rules. This puts them at risk of seeing depositors bailed-in and the banks forcibly restructured overnight by the European Central Bank.

If those Italian banks are dealt with similarly by the ECB as Banco Popular we could easily see their ownership transferred to their creditors and, by extension, the ownership of the Bank of Italy right along with it.
And what’s the only thing of value on the Bank of Italy’s balance sheet? The gold.

No, the real threat is with the Italian gold owned by the Italian people the Italian government could start all over again with a new currency.

And that is what this is all about.


The Rabbis do not regret the Paris disaster. “It’s Divine punishment for burning the Talmud,” divines a prominent Jewish divine, the Bethel Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, about the Notre Dame fire. In 1242 the French investigated the Talmud, established that the codex contains volumes of hate speech, and finally burned 1200 codices in the square of the freshly-built Notre Dame Cathedral. “The time for punishment is here,” the Rabbi intones dramatically.

The Blaze of Hate

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Cred ca ne apropiem de punctul in care americanii sunt ghiftuiti de ce au cistigat in Europa, au dsitrus un concurent serios, iau distrus ba...